Moondust Noir

The Moon: A Cosmic Introduction

Episode Summary

Step into the ethereal world of Moondust Noir as we embark on our celestial journey with the debut episode, The Moon: A Cosmic Introduction. This premiere sets the stage for an exploration of our closest celestial companion, blending science, culture, history, and mythology in an elegant and captivating narrative. In this episode, we delve into the moon's origins, tracing its formation 4.5 billion years ago in the fiery aftermath of Earth's early collisions. Discover the moon's profound influence on Earth's tides, climate, and biological rhythms, shaping the evolution of life as we know it. From the philosophical musings of ancient astronomers to the moonlit verses of poets, we explore how this luminous orb has inspired humanity across millennia. The episode also touches on the moon's role in various cultures, from its depiction as a deity to its significance in calendars and rituals. Join us as we uncover the moon's enduring mysteries, discuss groundbreaking lunar science, and set the stage for the deeper stories to come. Whether you are a scholar, dreamer, or stargazer, this episode is your gateway to the mesmerizing world of Moondust Noir. Are you ready to see the moon in a whole new light? Tune in to discover the cosmic force that continues to enchant and guide us from the night sky.

Episode Transcription

Narrator: [00:00:00] Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and reflection. Dr. Susan Rashid, Rashid Media Productions, and Rashid Publications (RP) media work are founded on a steadfast dedication to meaningful original content. Rashid Media Productions and Rashid Publications (RP) are dedicated to creating immersive and thought-provoking content that truly resonates with today's audiences. With each piece, we aim to offer work that is intellectually rich, culturally profound and emotionally resonant content that sparks curiosity and inspires genuine connection. Through this unique blend of media, we honor timeless stories and amplify voices that offer fresh perspectives inviting, thoughtful reflection along the way. Our vision extends beyond entertainment. We aim to educate, enlighten and empower. We are passionate about fostering, understanding, advocating for justice, and championing the underrepresented. We are committed to excellence and integrity. We envision a future where our work leaves a lasting, positive imprint on individuals, communities and society as a whole. In this spirit, we are honored to announce the upcoming production of the following distinguished podcasts: On The Streets: A Documentary Podcast on Homelessness, Whispers From Beyond, Whispers From The Heart, Having the Last Word Disappear, White Coat Reads, Gothic, Elegant Reads, Beyond the Last Breath, Silent Stillness: A Journey in Buddhism, Secrets of Survival (S.O.S.), Practicing Correctional Medicine, Rooted in Health, On the Road With Susan, Echoes Through Eternity, Whispers of the Ancient: A Journey in Shamanism,  Moondust Noir, and Moonlight Madness. Each of these projects is conceived with a steadfast dedication to meaningful and original content, and they remain fully protected under the comprehensive scope of United States copyright and trademark law and international (IP) protections. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or infringement shall invoke immediate and resolute legal action to uphold the integrity of these works and the principles they represent. Dr. Rashid, Rashid Media Productions, and Rashid Publications (RP) extends their sincere gratitude to all who honor and respect these values. 

Narrator: [00:02:34] Rashid Media Productions and Rashid Publications (RP) proudly presents Moondust Noir, a podcast that invites you to step into the ethereal world of lunar wonder. In this podcast, your host will be Dr. Susan Rashid, and she will be your guide to the moon's ethereal realm. In each episode, we journey through the science, mythology, history and cultural impact of the moon, unveiling stories as old as time, woven from scholarship and imagination alike. All content presented here is carefully curated and adheres to fair use with full credit given to sources and creators as we explore the moon's legacy. Moondust Noir is here to enlighten, engage and inspire. This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes, encouraging listeners to uncover more about our lunar companion. Welcome to Moondust Noir, let's begin our journey beneath the moon's quiet light. 

Dr. Susan Rashid: [00:03:37] Imagine an earth billions of years ago still forming, enduring a chaotic landscape shaped by constant collisions with other celestial bodies. One collision in particular would create an enduring legacy. Our moon. In the early solar system, our young Earth was struck by a Mars sized object, an impact so intense it hurled billions of tons of molten debris into space. Over time, this debris ring began to coalesce, eventually forming the moon. We know today this theory is called the Giant Impact Hypothesis, and it has been supported by analysis of lunar rock samples brought back from Apollo missions. According to a study in Science Advances, these samples reveal chemical similarities between Earth and the moon, supporting the idea that they share a common origin (Canup, R. M., Science Advances, 2019). The Giant Impact Hypothesis is not only one of the most widely accepted theories of lunar formation, but it also offers insight into the relationship that Earth and the moon have maintained for billions of years. The moon's gravity plays an essential role in stabilizing Earth's axial tilt, which directly affects our climate and our seasons (Ward, W. R., & Brownlee, D. E., Nature, 1976). Without this stabilizing influence, the Earth would experience severe climatic shifts, possibly creating conditions hostile to life as we know it. 

Dr. Susan Rashid: [00:05:34] Let's explore another crucial aspect of our lunar companion, its phases. The moon's phases are a visible testament to its journey around Earth, and they represent one of the most ancient rhythms known to humanity. Each phase reflects the moon's shifting position relative to Earth and the sun, a phenomenon we call the Synodic Month, lasting about 29.5 days (Espenak, F., NASA Eclipse Website, 2021).

Picture the earth in the center of this celestial dance with the moon orbiting around it. As the moon travels, sunlight hits it from different angles, creating the waxing and waning phases. The cycle begins with the new moon. When the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, concealing itself in the sun's glare. Over the next few nights, a silver of light appears the waxing crescent, which continues to grow until it reaches the first quarter, revealing half of the moon's face. The waxing gibbous phase leads us to the full moon phase, when the moon's entire surface is viewed from the Earth, and it is illuminated by sunlight. Then it begins to wane. Entering the waning gibbous phase, we see half of its surface again at the last quarter. And finally, a thin crescent or waning crescent before it vanishes once more completing the cycle (Aveni, A. F., The Moon and the Planets, 1976).

For thousands of years, cultures across the globe have embedded the moon's phases into their rituals, calendars and beliefs. The ancient Egyptians used a lunar calendar, dividing their year into 12 months of 30 days, while the Maya aligned their calendar with both lunar and solar cycles. Blending their agricultural practices with the lunar rhythm (Fowler, D. D., & Winkelman, M. J., American Anthropologist, 1983).

Dr. Susan Rashid: [00:07:47] This cyclical pattern is beautiful. It is a guide, an ancient rhythm that shaped our ancestors' lives. The moon's phases have inspired religious rituals, agricultural cycles and even personal transformations. In fact, studies have shown that lunar cycles may delicately impact human behavior, especially with sleep. A study published in Science Advances uncovered compelling patterns linking lunar phases and human sleep. The study found that as nights approached the full moon phase, individuals tended to fall asleep later, resulting in shorter sleep cycles overall. Remarkably, this reduction in sleep duration was also noted around the new moon phase when moonlight is absent (Casiraghi, Leandro et al. Science Advances, 2021). 

But perhaps the most fascinating aspect of our lunar companion is the phenomenon of tidal locking. This is why we only ever see one face of the moon from Earth. The moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it orbits the earth, keeping one hemisphere permanently facing us. This synchronous rotation or tidal locking is rare in the solar system and unique to Earth and its moon (Goldreich, P., & Peale, S., Astronomical Journal, 1966).

The far side, sometimes poetically called the dark side, remained hidden from humanity's gaze until 1959, when the Soviet spacecraft Luna Three, took the first images. Lunar researchers were surprised by what they found. The far side is strikingly different, marked by rugged terrain and fewer smooth plains or maria than the near side. This asymmetry, according to recent studies, might be due to variations in the moon's internal composition, which could stem from the massive impact that formed it (Zuber, M. T., et al., Science, 2012).

The moon transcends its role as a mere celestial body, casting a profound influence on Earth that resonates through both the physical and cultural spheres of human existence. Its gravitational embrace orchestrates the rhythmic dance of tides, gently pulling and releasing the oceans in cycles that not only carve our coastlines but sustain marine ecosystems. These tidal shifts stir the waters, circulating nutrients that nourish countless species and in turn, foster the intricate web of marine life (Wood, R., Marine and Freshwater Research, 1983). Beyond its role as the sculptor of our oceans, the moon acts as a stabilizing force, anchoring Earth's axial tilt and safeguarding the delicate balance of our seasons. This stabilization has over thousands of years allowed life to flourish within a predictable rhythm of growth and dormancy, imbuing our earth with a dynamic, habitable environment. 

Dr. Susan Rashid: [00:11:34] Yet, the moon's influence reaches beyond the scientific. It is an enduring muse, a symbol woven into the spiritual, artistic and mythological tapestry of nearly every civilization. Across time, its silvery light has illuminated the path of poets, philosophers and dreamers, inspiring wonder and reverence. Indeed, the moon's presence in our night sky serves as a reminder of the cosmos fast and silent power, a celestial partner that continues to shape our world and our perceptions, casting its glow not only upon our lands and waters, but deep into the human soul. In the words of poet Langston Hughes, "The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to." The moon has been a companion for poets. Scientists and dreamers alike. Its beauty and mystery remind us of our place in the universe, a place tethered to something greater and something constant. Thank you for joining me on this journey to the moon. May tonight's episode inspire you to look up at the night sky and imagine with our moon with a renewed wonder at our celestial neighbor and all at home. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the moon's myths, its science, and its timeless stories and future episodes of Moondust Noir. I'm Dr. Susan Rashid, and I wish you all a good night. 

Narrator: [00:13:40] With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our sincerest thanks to each of you who has joined us on this journey. Your support fuels our commitment to bringing these stories to life, touching hearts, minds and souls. Together, we are building a legacy of insight, empathy and inspiration. 

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Dr. Susan Rashid, Rashid Media Productions, and Rashid Publications welcome expressions of appreciation and respectful dialogue. However, any official endorsement, affiliation or partnership with Dr. Susan Rashid, Rashid Media Productions, or Rashid Publications requires express written authorization from our leadership team. Unauthorized statements of support or implied associations are strictly prohibited. 

We extend our sincere gratitude for adhering to these standards which uphold a respectful and dignified exchange as we pursue this journey together. Your positive engagement and thoughtful presence are invaluable to us as we explore profound insights and meaningful connections. Together, we are building a legacy of insight, empathy and inspiration. This journey has only just begun, and we warmly invite you with us. Thank you for being a part of this legacy. Until we meet again, we extend our deepest gratitude for your commitment to this shared path. 


1. Canup, R. M. (2019). “The Giant Impact Hypothesis: Explaining Lunar Formation.” Science Advances.

2. Ward, W. R., & Brownlee, D. E. (1976). “The Role of the Moon in Stabilizing Earth’s Axis.” Nature.

3. Espenak, F. (2021). “Phases of the Moon.” NASA Eclipse Website

4. Aveni, A. F. (1976). “The Moon and the Planets in Cultural Astronomy.” The Moon and the Planets.

5. Fowler, D. D., & Winkelman, M. J. (1983). “Lunar Calendars in Ancient Civilizations.” American Anthropologist.

6. Cajochen, C., et al. (2013). “Evidence That the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep.” Current Biology.

7. Casiraghi, Leandro et al. “Moonstruck sleep: Synchronization of human sleep with the moon cycle under field conditions.” Science advances vol. 7,5 eabe0465. 27 Jan. 2021, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe0465

8. Goldreich, P., & Peale, S. (1966). “Tidal Locking and Planetary Orbits.” Astronomical Journal.

9. Zuber, M. T., et al. (2012). “Composition and Asymmetry of the Lunar Far Side.” Science.

10. Wood, R. (1983). “The Moon’s Influence on Marine Ecosystems.” Marine and Freshwater Research.